
Many ballads and legends twine around Reynardine, the charming outsider. He lives deeply in the forest as an outcast and in conflict with the law. But the Sheriff and his men are not able to capture him. For Reynardine is a shapeshifter, who sometimes transformes himself into a fox, as legend tells.

At all Reynardine is an intermediate nature, half human, half animal. The most well-known song over him reports us of a strange meeting: The lawless encounters to a beautiful young girl. She walks on a late evening into the mountain forest - by a happen or with intent to meet him? When they meet, she fells in love to him  despite all her fears and reservations.

In the following contribution we want to be concerned some time with this mysterious inhabitant of the forest. We will approach to our text under the aspects of the stranger. He is that type of human being, which first fear makes us and lets of defense think. Then, in closing the nearer contact, he receives as a human being, and becomes understandable. In the next step our meeting makes courage to get about borders in positive sense. 

Afterwards we will examine - under the criterion of a psychological theory of projection: Maybe the foreigner is not also a real unknown person but also an aspect by us, some kind of brother,  lost since our childhood and sunk into the shades of unconsiousness.  further  further




Forum of Meditative Dance 
- Folklore- Sacred Dance 

updated 14/08/03

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